Genis Factor

Build Your Good Work Into A Great Brand.

We develop your authentic brand from the inside out, starting with the inward life of your organization. That’s how we make your virtuous organization look as good as it already is and set you apart in a noisy market place.

Using our proprietary research method, Genis Factor® , we take in various perspectives through time gain insights about the life of your organization and your relevance in the larger context.  We find evidence of your remarkable progress and results then use these proof points in your brand creative.

Genis Factor Method 

Our brand research and strategy readily provides a wealth of visual and verbal touchstones that we integrate into all communications channels to create loyalty.   

With an authentic brand, we work with your good works—your progress and results—to create a brand as good as you are.

Genis Factor® will give your organization or community:

  • Greater confidence, cohesiveness and purpose
  • New assets, products and opportunities
  • Character-rich branding
  • Deeper audience connections and business relationships
  • Sustainable, informed decision-making
  • Enhanced self-knowledge and success

To learn how to build more of your organization’s equity into your brand, call Paula Schaper at 520-604-6273.