The Culture-Brand Connection

Authentic Brand is a projection of who you are, not what others think you are.

Traditional branding is a consumer-focused approach to selling products and services that was born of the industrial economy when mass production, mass advertising, and mass consumption prevailed. But the world has evolved and so must our approach to branding. In this class you’ll learn what really fuels your brand. We’ll explore why building a brand today is very different from building a brand 50 years ago. In the “relationship” or “connected” economy, an unhappy customer or employee can destroy your credibility. Fortunately the reverse is true as well. A happy customer or employee can become your best brand ambassador. Traditional branding takes the view that perceptions about your products and organization reside only in the mind of the consumer. You’ll hear from successful CEOs who know otherwise. In this class you’ll learn why traditional branding is outdated and has not kept pace with today’s 21st century globally connected economy. We will reveal 5 critical new economy facts that will help your team build a contagious brand…a brand that attracts people to the personality and energy of your organization or community. You’ll learn what the world’s leading CEOs and business and marketing experts have to say about what it takes to thrive in the 21st century innovation economy and how this translates to your brand. As part of the class, we will begin to initiate your own Culture-Brand identity. You’ll learn:

  • Who your organization’s most important stakeholder is
  • What the new bottom lines is for your business in the 21st century economy
  • What gives one company the advantage over another company
  • Who the most important perspective is in defining your brand
  • How to get everyone onboard with the same dream so you can create positive energy and market pull for your organization or community

Tap into the life of your organization or community and you’ll create an original brand position that draws people to you.